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Awards & incentives

We celebrate student learning, developing a positive and ambitious learning environment

Student effort and attainment is celebrated at all levels; from the smallest reward sticker to major rewards evenings.

Class DOJO

Class Dojo is used as a positive reward system in school. Children are allocated a Dojo monster and are rewarded when a teacher in school sees them demonstrating an IPC Personal Learning Goal. These Learning Goals are embedded consistently throughout the school and all teachers follow the same guidelines.

Dojos are rewarded to children that have been:

  • Adaptable
  • Ethical
  • Resilient
  • Thinkers
  • Collaborators
  • Communicators
  • Empathetic
  • Respectful

Children can spend their Dojo points on a reward of their choice. These rewards, for example, could include extra playtime, a homework pass or lunch with the Teacher or Principal and will be valued accordingly. These points will then be subtracted from their total Class Dojo points. Class Dojo points will never be taken away for negative behaviour.

We have a positive Behaviour Policy in place which includes steps such as timeout and communicating to parents. Our aim is always to encourage the children to make the right choices, and we appreciate parental support in helping to achieve this.

Star of the Week

As a school we place great emphasis on the IPC Personal Learning Goals.

Star of the Week certificates will be awarded when a child has excelled in a particular IPC Personal Learning Goal. These are shared in the weekly assembly. Receiving a certificate allows a child to get two Dojo points for that learning goal.

Student Rewards

Special events are organised throughout the year to reward behaviour and celebrate achievement. These include movie nights, camp outs, splash days and special out-of-school trips.

Student Leaders

Student Leaders are elected each year from Milepost 3 students. They ensure a student voice, and gain valuable opportunities to develop leadership skills.